Bushcraft, Survival, Target Sports & Outdoor Therapy
Bushcraft, Survival, Target Sports & Outdoor Therapy

Spoon Carving Workshop.

Ever fancied learning how to carve your own spoon, spatula or untensil? Maybe you've had a quick go at spoon carving and it was a bit of a disaster?

If so, come and join us for the day at our beautiful Kent woodland and let us show you how to select a suitable piece of wood and then safely use a variety of cutting tools to turn it into a useful and decorative utensil. Warning, spoon carving becomes highly addictive! You'll be under the careful guidance of our instructor Sean who's become a respected authority on spoon carving in the UK in recent years. Wether you're a complete beginner or somneone looking to improve their existing skills we can help and give you a memorable day.

Our days start at 09:30 and finish around 16:30. Bring your own lunch but we will supply tea, coffee and soft drinks.

Great value at only £50 per person. Group and family deals are available by calling 01233 220323. Minimum age 12 years, under 16's must be accompanied by an adult, all tools and equipment will be provided.

Full details on our location and useful information will be sent to you on booking. All neccessary equipment for this course will be provided on site by Black Wolf Survival

Spoon Carving day 23rd August 2020

Spoon carving workshop 23rd August 2020


Contact number



07507 270966

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