Bushcraft, Survival, Target Sports & Outdoor Therapy
Bushcraft, Survival, Target Sports & Outdoor Therapy

Woodland tools & gadgets day

Join us for a day devoted to the most commonly used tools used in Bushcraft. Under the supervision of our expert instructors we will show you not only how to safely and successfully use a variety of tools including: knives, axes, folding and straight saws, green woodworking tools and carving tools; but also how to maintain and sharpen them.

The day will start around 09:30 and will include some tree felling work, coppicing, wood splitting for firewood as well as cutting and carving skills and makign some useful campcraft gadgets such as an anjustable pot hanger. Tea & coffee will be available all day and we will provide soup and rolls for lunch but do feel free to bring a packed lunch. All tools & equipment provided. Minimum age 12 years old, all under 16's must be accompnaied by an adult.

£50 per person, deals available on request for groups and families by calling us on 01233 220323

Saturday 5th September 2020 09:30 - 16:30

Bushcraft Tools Day 5th September 2020

Bushcraft Tools day 5th September 2020 09:30 - 16:30


Contact number



07507 270966

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